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Stotler Co has provided service to Oilfield service companies since 1974. We provide a wide variety of tools, testing and parts. The following is a list of the services we provide. 

1. Blast Joints 

2. Casing Patches 

3. BOP service in the field and in our facility. 

4. BOP rentals and sales 

5. Shear Pins up to 33,000k 

6. Spool rental and Manufacturing 

7. Rod BOP rental and sales and manufacturing 

8. General and C&C machinery 

9. PGSR rental and sales 

10. TIW rental, sales and manufacturing 

11. Miscellaneous parts and services for stuffing boxes 

12. In field inspections and ram changes 

13. In field Test Trucks that are available 24/7 capable of testing BOP's on the 

well complete with down hole tools to test the blinds safely and cost effective. 

14. Accumulator repair and manufacturing 

15. Field servicing of Accumulators and control systems 

16. State of the art digital testing applications capable of recording psi and 

temperature. These tests are stored in a data base in case well records are required, i.e. D.O.G. inspections 

17. Test plugs/Rubberized tubing hangers capable of testing companion flange 


18. Foaming units for H2S hits. These units are efficient, cost effective, and 

their compact design is ideal for tight locations. 

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